5 months. Depending from your point of view, that can mean a number of things. When looking forward, waiting, it seems like a lifetime. When looking back, all I see is a blur.
5 months. I've been here 5 months.
As for other news, I'm feeling a whole heCK of a lot better now. I've had a tough couple of weeks to say the least. And maybe it's because we have another camp starting tomorrow, and maybe it's because I am starting to see the flickering of a light at the end of the tunnel, whatever it is, I am happy today. Or as close to happy as I've been in a little while. But don't worry, exchange students sort of become bipolar the moment that the plane lifts off the ground in the US.
I won't go into details now, and I'm not sure if I will at all, but it was a tough one.
On another note CAMP IS TOMORROW AND I'M SO HAPPY. All of the Sardinian students are coming together in a town called Terralba, and we are celebrating carnevale together! And get to stick together for an entire week!
To be honest, I'm having a hard time figuring out things to say on this.. Things have become so routine, so normal. I don't know what to tell you about!
But I do want to say, thank you all for helping me get here and supporting me through the ups and downs. I don't know what I would do. I feel like the luckiest girl in the world, and I am so sorry for all that I took for granted before. Love ya'll.
Here are the photos from Naples that I promised... 2 months ago!
Had to put a picture of pizza on here
Overview of Naples
Thanks for reading <3
P.S. IF YOU HAVE ANYTHING YOU WANT TO HEAR ABOUT PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE EMAIL ME OR WRITE A COMMENT! I'd love to hear what you want to hear about, and it makes this a whole lot easier. Email: rachiiramsey@hotmail.com OR rae_raeramsey@yahoo.com
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