So much has happened in those weeks.
Let's start with Naples.
It was amazing. Beautiful. We were only there for about 2 days, but it was one of the highlights of my exchange so far. Living in this small town that I am, I miss the energy of a city. I miss the hustle and bustle and the bigness of it all.
The first day we were in Naples we went shopping, a volcano museum, and ate pizza (It's Napoli, of course we ate pizza). I don't mean to be one of 'those' people, but oh my gosh I loved shopping in Naples. There street vendors and food stands and little shops all along the larger streets. Let's just say I didn't come home with too much money left in my pocket.
The volcano museum was underground and at one point there was a lack of space for everyone, and holy claustrophobia it was a tight fit. The return to the above-ground was quite the relief. I don't do well in small spaces. Especially underground ones. But it was really cool.
Pizza.. How do you explain the best pizza that you have ever had in your life? You don't. At some point in your life, I don't care who you are, put it on your bucket list to eat a pizza in Naples. The first pizza I got was my Margherita (or for my American friends, cheese) , my second was Lasagna (Pizza made with ricotta cheese.) and my third (yes third WHOLE pizza) was Marinara, which was pizza without cheese, just the sauce. It was excellent.
The second day we adventured the city until our feet were about to fall off. Literally. I wore a pair of new shoes, and I could barely walk by the end of the day. Oh the pain. At one point we got to this place, which looked over most of Naples, it was magnificent. It looked like a painting.. The entire time I was like "Holy Mother! Am I actually here?" After that we walked some more, and more, and more, until we finally got to a little restaurant near the ocean. Right next to the restaurant there was this hotel that had Christmas trees on each of the balconies with twinkling lights, and I am a total holidays person, so I loved it.
Leaving Naples was pretty sad. We left that night after dinner.
I really hope I can go again some day.
We had a week of school in between Naples and Christmas break, but I'm just going to skip that, because, well, there isn't much to tell.
The Friday that we got on break, we had an "End of the World" dance at my school! It was a lot of fun, and quite a bit different than dances at my school in the U.S. For one, half the girls, including me, were wearing jeans, and there was a lot less dancing. People just sat around and smoked mostly. But I got my friends to dance, so we had tons of fun!
My host sister came home from Rome the next morning reallyearly, and her and I went to The Hobbit later that night. (For whoever hasn't seen it, I recommend it)
During the rest of the break, most of what we did was eat. And eat. And eat. And eat. And I could say that another 100 times, and it wouldn't be enough to explain how much we ate for the holidays. Christmas was pretty difficult, I'm not going to lie, but I also really loved seeing a new way of celebrating it. My entire host family got together and we had a six hour long meal, and then spent another two hours talking about the meal.
For New Years Eve, I went with my cousin and her six closest friends and had a sleepover where we didn't fall asleep until 6(ouch)am, and had to wake up at 9(even worse)am, to go to a family brunch.
Sorry for cramming so much into a short few sentences!
And I don't have any pictures from Naples on my computer yet due to well.. laziness mostly.
I promise I will soon.
Here is the talent show video I promised a few months back: (Watch it if you need a laugh, as of now I'm calling it the Talentless Talent Show Video)
I'm sorry for my terrible grammar and organization and vocabulary. My life is Italian Italian Italian, and my lack of English skills is starting to show. Thanks for reading anyhow.
I guess that's all for now
I'll try to be better, but I'll make no promises
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