Thursday, November 24, 2011

I'm Thankful For...


I just wanted to say how thankful I am for everything. My great friends, AFS, my family's support, all the people that I have started talking to through AFS, everything! I don't know how this all seems to be working out (even though I haven't quite been accepted yet), but I am thankful, happy, glad, giddy even, that it seem like it is going to happen!

Time has become a constant motion, and when I say this I mean that I know that it has always been a constant motion, but now it actually feels like it. I feel like every day is slipping by, and today I realized that HOLY CRAP, it is already Thanksgiving. Since when is it even November? Heck, I don't even remember celebrating Halloween, mostly because I didn't, but that is irrelevant. I don't remember specific days anymore, and time seems to be going by me so fast.

And then boom, I realized that next year, if everything goes as hoped, I won't be here, at my cabin (A tradition to come down here for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter) in Boulder, Utah, and I will not be eating turkey dinner with my family and friends who are here every year. I will be somewhere else, somewhere that right at this moment, I don't even know about. And that place will be my home. It is so weird to think about. Weird, but amazing.

I know that this post was just me kind of writing out all my thoughts, but I needed to get it down(: By the way, if everything goes as planned, I have a little over 9 months. Which is kind of crazy.


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