Thursday, November 24, 2011

I'm Thankful For...


I just wanted to say how thankful I am for everything. My great friends, AFS, my family's support, all the people that I have started talking to through AFS, everything! I don't know how this all seems to be working out (even though I haven't quite been accepted yet), but I am thankful, happy, glad, giddy even, that it seem like it is going to happen!

Time has become a constant motion, and when I say this I mean that I know that it has always been a constant motion, but now it actually feels like it. I feel like every day is slipping by, and today I realized that HOLY CRAP, it is already Thanksgiving. Since when is it even November? Heck, I don't even remember celebrating Halloween, mostly because I didn't, but that is irrelevant. I don't remember specific days anymore, and time seems to be going by me so fast.

And then boom, I realized that next year, if everything goes as hoped, I won't be here, at my cabin (A tradition to come down here for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter) in Boulder, Utah, and I will not be eating turkey dinner with my family and friends who are here every year. I will be somewhere else, somewhere that right at this moment, I don't even know about. And that place will be my home. It is so weird to think about. Weird, but amazing.

I know that this post was just me kind of writing out all my thoughts, but I needed to get it down(: By the way, if everything goes as planned, I have a little over 9 months. Which is kind of crazy.


Wednesday, November 9, 2011

A Watched Pot Never Boils..

So.. I just got an email from AFS, and it said "We will start reviewing submitted applications in late January" Oh my goodness.. That is a REALLY long way away. But I can do it. It will be worth it! But still... It will be tough to wait so long to know if this is a reality. But you know what they say: a watched pot never boils, so I think I need a distraction from this for a little while. 

ALSO, I got an email from AFS yesterday, and received 200$, for a family award scholarship! It absolutely made my night. So that means that I have $3,350.00 left to raise for myself! (My parents agreed to pay half, just in case I hadn't mentioned that before) I now have $3,400.00 dollars that I have raised through babysitting, birthdays, and Christmases. So, I am a little more than half way done with raising money!! And I can't help but smile when I think of that! THANK YOU AFS FAMILY AWARDS SCHOLARSHIP! If anyone, and that means anyone, wants to donate, anything helps. Even 1 or 2 dollars would help, so please sponsor my dream, and help me make it a reality!(: And I have been trying to figure out some possible fundraisers, so if you have any ideas, let me know by commenting below, or emailing me at Grazie 

This isn't really the longest post, but I thought that I would let you know my GOOD news, and my....application news. And I am so happy that this program exists, because I have already connected with so many people, that I wouldn't have ever talked to without AFS(: 


Sunday, October 23, 2011

Just a Random Postt...

Hello Everybody(:

I don't really have any news, but I felt like saying hi and giving a little update about how nothing has happened yet...

I have been checking my email 100X a day, hoping that by some small chance that AFS has emailed me back about my application.. no luck so far! I know that it has only been a couple weeks since I submitted it, but what is life without hope? I have heard from many people that I will probably not hear back until January, which is a while off.. but I am an impatient person, so I cannot sit by idle, doing nothing. Therefore, I check my email all the time, daydream about AFS, and hope that January will come around the corner in a blink of an eye.

That is all that I can come up with to say for now.


P.S. I AM SO SO EXCITED (and I haven't even been accepted yet) Ohh man.. I hate this waiting game.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Hurry Up and Wait!


Oh my gosh.... I just did the most exciting thing/scariest thing that I have ever done. I SUBMITTED my full application. I can honestly say that when the little "pop-up" came up and said "Are you sure you want to submit your full application? After you submit it you may make no changes." (Or something around that) I closed my eyes and clicked "yes." Afterwords I was jumping and screaming... quite an event. Now I get to check my email 10000 times a day, until I get accepted. I wanted to turn in my application fast... now I have to wait, and wait, and wait some more.. (Hence the title)

I can tell that this is going to be the most amazing experience I am going to have, I have already met some really wonderful people, and I hope to meet so many more(:

Please sponsor me, and donate to this magnificent experience! I would be so grateful if you did. Just click the safe "ChipIn" gadget on the upper right part of the blog, it would be awesome if you could!


P.S. I might not post a lot until I get more information, or until I get accepted.. Because up until then all I can say is how excited I am, which is REALLY, EXTREMELY, excited, but that would probably get old after a while.. So until next time. Ciao.. 
P.P.S. If you have any ideas about fundraising, comment below, or email me at Any suggestions would be great!

Thanks so much :D

Saturday, October 8, 2011

A Happy Interview.

Hello All!

I guess it isn't really the most crazy news, but two days ago was a great day. I had my in-home interview!! At the beginning, I was scared, but little did I know, that it was going to be so relaxed. Barbara, the women who gave the interview, my parents, and I just sat and chatted for about three hours. That's it. It was so exciting, hearing about the experiences to come next year. I know it seems impossible, but it made me even more excited for the year to come.

In other news, I am planning on TURNING IN my FULL APPLICATION in the next couple days.(: I have everything finished, it is just the matter of checking, and re-checking, and probably checking again, that I have everything filled out. Then it turns into the matter of clicking "submit", and waiting... and waiting!

Well I think that is all for now.

P.S. If you have any ideas for fundraising, comment below, or email me at Thanks!!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Hey Everybody!
In case you haven't noticed, I added the ChipIn gadget to my page! If you want to sponser and support me, that is a great way to do it. It is a safe way to donate money towards my study abroad! It would be wonderful if you could help out, but if you can't, that is alright as well(:

In another subject, my AFS local representative called me today to set up an interview!! Yayy!
(And I won front row tickets to Taylor Swift!!!!) What a great week!

ChipIn is right there!----------------------------------------->

Monday, September 26, 2011

Beginnings, Introductions, and other fun stuff!

Hey everybody!

I'm Rachael, a 15 year old planning on studying abroad in a little less than a year with a program called AFSUSA Intercultural Program. When I go, I will be a junior in high school, and I am so extremely excited! I think that it will be an amazing experience, and I hope to become fluent in another language, and experience another culture other than the one I am used to. For as long as I can remember, I have always wanted to travel, and this gives me the opportunity live and go to school abroad for 10(eeek!) months. From the moment that I introduced the idea to my parents, they have been supportive and helpful with everything. I got lucky with that(:.

Right now, I am in the middle of the end of my full applications. And man, it was tedious. For all of you that haven't filled one out, I'll tell you that it is A LOT of work, but I am crossing my fingers that it will be worth it. Some questions I get a lot are: Where will you be going? Well... The answer to this is HOPEFULLY Italy, but my other choices are The Netherlands, and France. Where in Italy will you be staying? I have no idea, and unfortunately I won't for a long time. Who will you be staying with? I don't know the answer to that question either, but I will be staying with a host family that lives over there. Do you speak Italian? No, not exactly. I know a total of about 35 words. Ouch. But, I am planning on doing some online classes, and maybe have a tudor, but for now, no. How expensive is it? REALLY expensive, I have raised a little money, but it costs around $13,000 dollars, so I need to keep working at that.

My To-Do List:

*Copy all the forms onto the online application
*Turn in application
*Schedule In-home interview
*Cross my fingers

Well, I think that is about it for now. I promise to post again soon