So the thing about Sardinia is that in so many ways, it is not Italy. The food is different, the people are different, the culture is different, they even have a different language (Italian is still the most spoken language though). The people here are very proud to be Sardinian, and in many places you can find graffiti on walls that says "Sardinia is not Italy" In Italian of course though. The only thing that they consider connects them to Italy is their government.
At first, this kind of made me upset, because I came here for ITALY not Sardinia, but I guess now I'm realizing, that this is such a unique experience, and I am lucky to be one of the few that are placed on Sardinia. Also, I am lucky enough to learn Italian and a little of another language.
Another thing that took a while for me to understand is that I am NOT in America anymore, which means I CAN'T keep acting like I am. And it is really hard sometimes, because this is a town of 2 thousand people where there is nothing to do a lot, and I come from a city of 2 million people where there was so much to do all the time! And I had so much freedom in Salt Lake, here, I really don't. The kids my age here go into the town square and literally just sit there for hours for fun, and with the language barrier that can be really boring sometimes, but I guess you learn to love it.
Speaking of language, I guess my Italian is coming along little by little. I still get really frustrated with myself, and I hate that a lot of the times I can't express my exact feelings, but for the most part, all is well. Before I came I thought, "oh, I'll catch on eventually!" No, no you will not. You have to study, study, and study some more. Have as many conversations with people, about as much random topics as you can, and your Italian will improve, whether it's by them correcting your language and grammar, just TALK. That's something I've learned I need to do more of recently.
School is.. school.. I guess it's the same in every language! The language does make it more complicated and hard, but once I have more of a language background I'm guessing school will be easier (HOPEFULLY).
I'm going to Rome and Naples in about 2 weeks, which I am so so so excited for, and soon after that is Christmas break, can't wait!
More soon,
Sorry that I haven't been posting more. I never realized how hard it would be to post often.
P.S. if anyone has a specific thing that they would like me to write about please comment below or email me ( or I'd love to hear what you guys want to hear about, and it will make it so much easier to come up with things to say.
P.P.S. My host family had my try something the other day, and laughed when I spat it out, Turns out, it was PIGS BRAIN. Thought I'd let you know.
Love you all, Rachael.
Here are some pictures of my beautiful home: