Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Hey Everybody!
In case you haven't noticed, I added the ChipIn gadget to my page! If you want to sponser and support me, that is a great way to do it. It is a safe way to donate money towards my study abroad! It would be wonderful if you could help out, but if you can't, that is alright as well(:

In another subject, my AFS local representative called me today to set up an interview!! Yayy!
(And I won front row tickets to Taylor Swift!!!!) What a great week!

ChipIn is right there!----------------------------------------->

Monday, September 26, 2011

Beginnings, Introductions, and other fun stuff!

Hey everybody!

I'm Rachael, a 15 year old planning on studying abroad in a little less than a year with a program called AFSUSA Intercultural Program. When I go, I will be a junior in high school, and I am so extremely excited! I think that it will be an amazing experience, and I hope to become fluent in another language, and experience another culture other than the one I am used to. For as long as I can remember, I have always wanted to travel, and this gives me the opportunity live and go to school abroad for 10(eeek!) months. From the moment that I introduced the idea to my parents, they have been supportive and helpful with everything. I got lucky with that(:.

Right now, I am in the middle of the end of my full applications. And man, it was tedious. For all of you that haven't filled one out, I'll tell you that it is A LOT of work, but I am crossing my fingers that it will be worth it. Some questions I get a lot are: Where will you be going? Well... The answer to this is HOPEFULLY Italy, but my other choices are The Netherlands, and France. Where in Italy will you be staying? I have no idea, and unfortunately I won't for a long time. Who will you be staying with? I don't know the answer to that question either, but I will be staying with a host family that lives over there. Do you speak Italian? No, not exactly. I know a total of about 35 words. Ouch. But, I am planning on doing some online classes, and maybe have a tudor, but for now, no. How expensive is it? REALLY expensive, I have raised a little money, but it costs around $13,000 dollars, so I need to keep working at that.

My To-Do List:

*Copy all the forms onto the online application
*Turn in application
*Schedule In-home interview
*Cross my fingers

Well, I think that is about it for now. I promise to post again soon